The Origins of the LMC Support Network

It all started when three newly appointed LMC Chief Execs started to collaborate informally. We were Michael Wright, CEO of Nottingham LMC, William Greenwood, CEO of Cheshire LMC and Peter Higgins, CEO of Lancs & Cumbria Consortium of LMCs. We found sharing our experiences and problems very supportive. One thing we had in common was that we all came from a non medical background and had substantial NHS management experience. Several other LMCs joined our informal network and we all saw the need for greater collaboration. Whilst each of our LMCs was very different we were eager to learn from each other what worked and how the learning could be applied more widely.

We were engaged in the work that GPDF were doing to clarify how it could fulfil its stated aim of supporting LMCs. We were particularly pleased to see GPDF embark on a programme of inviting applications for grants to undertake projects that would be of wider benefit to the LMC world. As such, in December 2019 we agreed to submit bids for grants; one from Michael to explore the feasibility of developing a reference library of material that could be accessed by LMCs to aid them in their day to day work; and one from Peter to explore the feasibility of developing a training and development programme for LMC officers and staff. William was very supportive of our proposals but, being part time, left Michael and Peter to front the proposals.

The Project

Our proposals resulted in us receiving a grant to fund a 9 month Project to examine the induction, reference material, training and development needs of LMC Officers and Staff. Our Project was delayed by COVID but started in December 2020, reporting in September 2021.

The Project involved finding out at first hand from LMC Officers what they considered their needs to be. We had a tremendous response from across the UK LMCs and were able to glean a very strong message as to their needs. Based on this research we were able to assemble a proposal to develop a body of reference material to be accessed via a web based platform. As well as source contract documents and other primary documents there would be a range of tools and sample documentation produced by LMCs to be shared on a wider basis within the LMC family. Mutual help and sharing best practice came out very strongly from our research. Training and development needs were also clearly identified, again with a strong emphasis on mutual aid and buddying / mentoring arrangements.

The Proposals

The proposals, based on our research, recommended the establishment of an “LMC Hub” comprising three elements:

  • A Resource Centre holding the reference material

  • A Development Centre supporting professional and personal development, mentoring and coaching

  • A Network Centre promoting collaboration, discussion forums, workshops and an advice hotline

We were unable to agree a way of implementing our recommendations with the (then) GPDF Board and were left with a great set of proposals but no funding to implement them!

The Role of the LMC Support Network

We were determined to continue our work but with scaled down aspirations. Michael, Peter and Mariah worked in their own time, without funding to do the best we could. We developed a reference library of materials and tools on a Sharepoint platform, but this has proved to be not easy to access. We established a thriving WhatsApp Group with 120 participants and an e-mail distribution list for sharing larger documents and messages. We run an LMC network meeting each month with regularly 40 – 50 attendees to discuss issues of the day and seek mutual help and advice. We have also ran a number of significant focus groups.

During this phase our thoughts became crystalised around the concept of an “LMC Support Network.” We are very clear that our role is very different from GPC and GPDF. We are solely focused on supporting LMCs with much of this support coming through collaboration and mutual sharing. We do not wish to be seen as a representative or political body.

With the change of GPDF Board we were able to secure interim funding until December 2023 and this has enabled us to develop a web-based platform to support the development of the LMC Support Network. It contains the basic structure to meet all our aspirations, but at this stage will largely contain reference materials and tools.

We have added a locally commissioned services tracker to enable LMCs to see SLAs from across the UK to use locally for inspiration and help when negotiating services locally. Care must be taken not to compare these like-for-like as they are likely to have differences within them.

Importantly we have launched an integrated forum which allows for threaded and searchable conversations which builds on the lively WhatsApp group but gathers conversations into sections to make it easier to follow and contribute to as often the same subjects come up time after time.

The Future

We are, as always led by what our LMCs need from us. We have adjusted our direction based on feedback gleaned from in-person events and surveys. We are mindful that we must make the best value out of every £ that we receive from GPDF, ultimately from practices through LMCs.

We are improving our governance and are in discussions with colleagues about how to strengthen this to enable the Network to be truly LMC owned and led.

Our sole purpose is to meet the needs of LMCs and we intend to incorporate strong feedback mechanisms, as we did in the original Project, to ensure full participation and remain relevant, comprehensive, focused on priorities and timely.

The added element that was not in place at the inception of the Network is the improvement of the LMC/GPC axis particularly with GPC England. We are well-placed to support LMCs through logistic support for LMC Conferences and also future joint working ventures. Indeed, we have recently agreed to incorporate the GPCE drop-in sessions into our monthly meetings to maximise engagement and make the best use of the time of our LMC colleagues.