Rebuild General Practice open letter to party leaders - read and sign today!

Rebuild General Practice open letter to party leaders - read and sign today!

Read the Rebuild General Practice open letter to party leaders here:

Sign on behalf of your LMC by completing this simple form:

The time has come for us all to take action. A general election is looming. We don’t know when it will happen, but we do know that we need general practice to be at the forefront of political minds when it comes. We need to ensure that politicians of all parties know about the crisis in general practice and understand how they can work with us to fix it. Sign our open letter to political party leaders, asking them to put aside the politics and fix the crisis in general practice. We want every single LMC to sign by the end of the month, in an historic show of unity and power which will make politicians sit up and listen.

Share it widely with your network so that we reach all LMCs across Great Britain.

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